Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. English
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. + 86 571 82755539
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. Info@hangzhoumirror.com
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd.
Illuminated Mirror

Illuminated Mirror

Advantages of Illuminated Mirrors

Illuminated led mirrors are getting more and more popular at last 10 years, because of its energy saving and intelligent application in our life. Different to traditional mirror, led illuminated bathroom mirror will provide 35% more clarity, not to mention it have touch switch of light, providing a most natural feel daytime light color; Anti-fog function, always make steam free, which is very useful and easy to be neglected; Blue-tooth for music and speaker, give more fun and convenient at every moment in your bathroom;

The Spremium illuminated Led bathroom mirror is the perfect union of stylish design and modern technology. We have huge collection of led mirrors including Bluetooth mirror, magnifying mirror, led lighted mirror cabinet, the newest design infinity mirror and illuminated bathroom mirror sale, all of them have IP44 rated frame/back, making them perfectly safe to be fitted within the bathroom. All of our led mirrors can be mounted horizontally or vertically.

Why trust Spremium

  • All of Spremium illuminated led bathroom mirror driver with overload protection, waterproof Performance in stability 15W , 25W , 35W , 60W available 3 years warranty. CE/UL certified
  • All of Spremium illuminated led bathroom mirror with reliable SMD led, with 12V SMD5050/ 2835/3528/3014 input voltage, have more than 50000hours service life. 6500k led light color temperature for white, 2700-3000k for warm light.
  • All of Spremium illuminated led bathroom mirror is cooper free mirror, to avold black edge (unsightly black corrosion on the edge of the mirror), black spots (black corrosive spots throughout the mirror).

  • Spremium only have 4 years experience on Led bathroom mirror export, we know quality is the most important thing as a manufacturer in China. That’s why we only make quality led bathroom mirror, we only focus on quality led bathroom mirror, to make more and more people to understand that Made in China is not mean poor quality.